s10e02: Grant Aaron at No Way Back Streaming From Beyond 2020

"I approached this set differently than I normally would when opening the Outer Space room at No Way Back. Given this unique moment of mass hysteria, the intention when selecting music was to create an escape beyond reality. The streaming format provided a captive portal for the audience, similar in ways to the cavernous room within Tangent Gallery, except this acted more as a direct feed into the mind. The accompanying video by Candace Price lends heavily to the cinematic nature of the set, creating a strange and textural world, like being locked within a dream."
— Grant Aaron

Video by Candace Price.


1. Penelope Trappes - Gnostic State
2. Mark Van Hoen - A World Full Of People
3. Wanderwelle - Death At The Helm
4. Aleksi Perälä - FI3AC1927040
5. CV & JAB - Pungent Lake
6. FFT - Grey Area
7. Lửa - Tôi ở lại
8. Matt Christensen - The Big Decay #3
9. First Tone - Recall
10. Bamboo Music - Part 2
11. Eleh - Living Space
12. Sunggun Jang - Figure 6
13. Coppice Halifax - Deep Earth [Arjen Schat / Al-kimia-00]
14. Wanderwelle - Irrational Demons
15. Jake Muir – Like A Wreath of Mist
16. Autumn Of Communion - Rasayana
17. COH - DOMA
18. Jo Johnson - Haunted by the Legend of Better Days
19. Multicast Dynamics - Part 4
20. Aleksi Perälä - FI3AC1927060 
21. Unjin - Hui Gui
22. James A. Reeves & Candy Chang – Light the Barricades

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